This website exists to share knowledge or what Freemasonry calls “light”. There is a lot of information here on many subjects, non-masonic and masonic. Light is an important word in the Masonic system. It conveys a far more recondite meaning than it is believed to possess by the generality of readers. It is in fact the first of all the symbols presented to the neophyte and continues to be presented to him in various modifications throughout all his future progress in his Masonic career. It does not simply mean, as might be supposed, truth or Sodom, but it contains within itself a far more abstruse allusion to the very essence of Speculative Freemasonry and embraces within its capacious signification all the other symbols of the Order. Freemasons are emphatically called the Sons of Light, because they are, or at least are entitled to be, in possession of the true meaning of the symbol; while the profane or uninitiated who have not received this knowledge are, by a parity of expression, said to be in darkness.
I am a seeker of knowledge and have amassed this library to store it. You must enter here with an open mind as many of your long held beliefs may be questioned. How deep you go is up to you and I accept no liability or blame for what you may find in these pages. Not everyone who asks will be allowed access and anyone may be removed at my discretion. Respect this reading library and we shall be hopefully all learn something to better our world and the time we have left in it.